Sail Training Program

Royal Selangor Yacht Club, Malaysia offers a number of options for people who wish to learn sailing or just to experience sailing for the first time. We can tailor training to specific groups or individuals and also offer the following:


The “Introduction To Sailing” (ITS) Program is a two-day sailing course designed for beginners. The aim is to give participants an understanding of how boats sail and the basic skills and manoeuvres required to control them. Upon completion, the students will be novice sailors with an enthusiasm for the sport and an interest in pursuing it further. A certificate is presented to successful students.
Tuition is provided by experienced and highly skilled instructors using a combination of practical instruction and theoretical teaching. You will sail in one of RSYC’s Farr Platu 25 yachts and your instructors will aim to maximise practical learning on the water.


Course will run upon customers request at any day, both weekdays and weekends.

To download our ITS Program form   – click here


The“International Yacht Training”(IYT) sail and powerboat coaching system is to encourage a high standard of seamanship and navigation. IYT training is considered by many to be among the best yacht training systems in the world. Once you have completed “Introduction to Sail” successfully, you will be qualified to progress to further IYT courses. Details can be found at:

Participants will be trained in:
–Basic Sea Safety

–Nomenclature /Parts of the Yacht

–Basic Knots

–Rigging a Yacht

–Points of Sail / Sail Trim

–Use of the Helm


Training will be run once a month, generally at weekends, according to demand.